Trainer helpsheet

Materials collection for the compilation of training sessions

BBC World Service: How a bicycle tripled one woman’s income

A few criteria are met

Comments and insights based on individual story elements and their connection with CJ 3 pillars:
Character (The main character is vital to the development of the story)
The main character in the story: The bicycle seller
(+) The character encountered an idea that helped others to find quality solution for their daily life challenges
(-) The size of the problems that casually discussed in the story are way bigger than the resolution
(-) The bicycle seller is portrayed as a hero, while women in the community were portrayed as beneficiaries in a stereotype setting

Ask yourself, is the main character the best person to tell this story? And why? Sometimes someone behind the scenes is more appealing than those in obvious positions

RetroReport: Could a simple Intervention fight a suicide crisis?

Comments and insights based on individual story elements and their connection with CJ 3 pillars:
Theme (The theme is what the story is really about. It’s the main idea or underlying meaning. Often, it’s the storyteller’s personal opinion on the subject matter)
The theme in the story: The power of Human Care and connection

Mental health is the topic

NPR: Donkey are finally getting more respect

Business Insider: How Banana Waste is turned into rugs, fabric and hair extensions

Almost all criteria are met

Comments and insights based on individual story elements and their connection with CJ 3 pillars:
Context (The world of the story)
The context of the story: Bananas are one of the world’s most wasteful crops. Farmers typically burn them but that pollutes the air. One company in Uganda pulverized them into fiber.
(+) In the first 30 seconds of the video we understand the size of the problem and its implications worldwide. It’s also positioning the solution within its local context.
(+) The context is clear about highlighting a relatively big international problem while presenting one solution model that is still challenged by the nature of the problem.
(+) The context underlines that the problem affects all of us directly and indirectly, which creates public awareness and advocates for action and response. It opens the door for many possible players to engage and participate

This is an example where ‘the context of the story is more important than the story itself’. What if the context was a small Banana farm somewhere and a successful recycling project leader who succeeded in getting rid of his own seasonal waste!?(This would be a solution oriented and happy ending story without the major problem being acknowledged, addressed or resolved)
While the ‘Setting’ is a set of facts, the context is the many faces of these facts and its implications on your stories. When focusing on the context that highlights the problem and the solutions, ask yourself: am I accidentally or deliberately ignoring other context matters without studying its impact on other story elements!?

ImpactHub media: Kibera ropes project keeps children out of mischief, supplements families’ income (article)

A few criteria are met

Comments and insights based on individual story elements and their connection with CJ 3 pillars:
Setting (Where and when the story takes place)
The setting of the story: Its 2pm in a compound in Kibera 42)
(-) Started with a setting/time when the solution is taking place then later introduced another setting/time describing the problem that in size actually more complex than the solution
(-) There is no mention anywhere in the article that this event is taking place in Kenya – Nairobi.
(-, +) The setting indicates that its 2pm, when most of the parents are actually still at work but the writer later included testimonies from parents and authorities.

Ask yourself, apart from the concrete time and place, which other information that you need to share with your audiences to acquire a better
sense of your story e.g. night – morning, winter – summer, school time – holidays, over a course of 3 months, etc.

Hechingerreport: Trying to improve remote learning? A refugeecamp offers some surprising lessons (article)

DW: Uganda’s rugby kids

A few criteria are met

Comments and insights based on individual story elements and their connection with CJ 3 pillars:
(The objective explanation of the subject matter of your story)
What is the topic of the story? Rugby sport in Uganda OR Children access to sport OR Aspiring raw model

Covid19 is a context in this example. Your topic always exists, despite the context
(-) Without a clearly defined topic, viewers aren’t able to efficiently locate the problem or evaluate the significance of proposed solutions
(-) Undermined topic divide the attention of the viewer

Use a straightforward approach to define and explain the general subject matter of your works.

BBC: What is ‘Green Cake’ and why did this woman invent it?

The National News: Reeling it in: Egypt’s fishermen exchange the Nile’s plastic waste for cash

DW: Queer photographer in Uganda

BBC: People Fixing The World: the vehicle that got a village smiling – The simple solution saving mums’ and babies’ lives

The National News: n the age of social distancing, Sudanese open their homes to Ethiopian refugees

DW: Coronavirus and the end of globalization?

DW: In Egypt, online group Qawem saving hundreds of women from sextortion

BBC: The Bricks Helping to Rebuild Gaza (Podcast)

BBC World Service: Norway’s plastic Waste Solution

DW (Plant A): How Bangladesh beat Europe at fighting floods

Palestine TV
A good example for taining, as it is missing the limitations. It’s from Gaza about beaches accessible to the disabled in Gaza.

AJ+ (on twitter)

DW News: COVID and the global wealth gap: What can be done to fix it?

BBC People fixing the World:  Dad school: How to be a better father
Bad CJ, hero story (bad filming as well)